Nothing can be saved or changed on the !demo channel, but you can on your own channel.

Alertbox management for channel !demo


Upload files (up to 8MB each) to use in your alerts. You may also link to files that are accessible on the internet.
NOTE: OBS does not support all media formats, and best results are often achieved with GIF, WEBM, WAV, OGG, and PNG.


Or drop files here to upload


To use these alerts, from which you can access your unique display link.
Keep this link secret; if the authentication key is accidentally shared, you can to generate a new one.

Revoke authentication key

If your authentication key is accidentally shared, don't panic! It can be quickly and
easily revoked here, before anyone can use it to snoop on your alerts.

After doing this, you will need to update any browser sources showing your alerts,
but all your configuration will be retained.

Rename file

Renaming a file has no effect on alerts; call them whatever you like. FIXME: Write better description.

Delete file

Really delete this file?


Once deleted, this file will no longer be available for alerts, and if
reuploaded, will have a brand new URL.

Unsaved changes

Unsaved changes. Save or discard them?

Alert variations


Recent events


Alert preview

Drag this to OBS or use this URL as a browser source: Alert Box

Your alerts currently look like this:

Personal alert

Personal alert types are not triggered automatically, but are available for your channel's commands and specials. They can be customized just like the standard alerts can, and can be tested from here, yada yada include description pls.

Send test alert

This alert has variations available. Would you like to:

  • Test just the base alert, as detailed on this page
  • Test all the active alerts for the current alert set (N alerts)
  • Test all alert variations and the base alert (N in total)

Manage images and sounds

Select sounds and/or images to be triggered here. These become alert variants.

Keyword Image Sound Hide? One-shot Del? Test