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Recorded quotes for Rosuav

  1. "Testing, testing" -- Rosuav [Creative, 3 April 2016]
  2. "@othersister: No such quote." -- Rosuav [Creative, 15 December 2017]
  3. "African raven or European raven?" -- Rosuav [It's Quiz Time, 6 January 2018]
  4. "I just like shooting you in the head" -- stephenangelico [Team Fortress 2, 20 March 2018]
  5. "I'm not usually running out of Oz" -- Rosuav [Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!, 22 March 2018]
  6. "Yoink!" -- Rosuav [Tales from the Borderlands, 10 April 2018]
  7. "I'll tidy that up later." -- Rosuav [Creative, 7 May 2018]
  8. "Programming: for when your brain isn't melted enough." -- Rosuav [Creative, 11 May 2018]
  9. "What does sniper ammo look like? Is it like rockets, but with bullets?" -- stephenangelico [Borderlands 2, 17 May 2018]
  10. "Ehh, not too much bleeding." -- Rosuav [IRL, 12 June 2018]
  11. "Don't do that or I'll heal you!" -- OtherSister [Team Fortress 2, 5 July 2018]
  12. "I'm going to make your face bleed... with HEALS!" -- OtherSister [Team Fortress 2, 5 July 2018]
  13. "Holmes vs. Moriarty. Sniper vs. MASHY SPIKE WARS!" -- stephenangelico [Team Fortress 2, 5 July 2018]
  14. "Unfortunately OtherSister is close to me geographically... as well as relationally." -- Rosuav [Team Fortress 2, 26 July 2018]
  15. "This knife just makes me happy noobsKnife ." -- stephenangelico [Team Fortress 2, 26 July 2018]
  16. "Gender neutralism! It's a disease on poetry." -- stephenangelico [Creative, 3 August 2018]
  17. "Really, we want our enemies to be fresh." -- stephenangelico [Creative, 3 August 2018]
  18. "You will always be a pickle in my eyes." -- stephenangelico [Creative, 10 August 2018]
  19. "This is not the cleanest, but I'll clean it later." -- Rosuav [Creative, 17 August 2018]
  20. "I don't care what other people have done." -- Rosuav [Rise of the Tomb Raider, 6 September 2018]
  21. "I don't know what this thing shining over here is, but I want it." -- Rosuav [Rise of the Tomb Raider, 20 September 2018]
  22. "I would love to know who you were talking to... so I can kill him as well!" -- Rosuav [Rise of the Tomb Raider, 27 September 2018]
  23. "I saw you move, and so I shot you." -- stephenangelico [Programming, 28 September 2018]
  24. "I was thinking of going after the hostage, but no, the rifle's better than the hostage." -- stephenangelico [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 5 October 2018]
  25. Rosuav: "Hold on, I'm getting some crashes." Stephen: "Oh, that's all right then." [Science & Technology, 12 October 2018]
  26. "What's the difference between messing around in Counter-Strike and watching a Shakespearean play? The body count." --stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 12 October 2018]
  27. "I've been stabbing you in the back all this time, and it looks right." -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 12 October 2018]
  28. "If you're going to interrupt me when I'm looting, you're in BIG trouble!" -- rosuav [Rise of the Tomb Raider, 18 October 2018]
  29. "What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable mass? I believe that's called a video game challenge." -- rosuav [Rise of the Tomb Raider, 18 October 2018]
  30. "I don't know WHAT it is, but I can't loot it and I can't destroy it either." -- rosuav [Rise of the Tomb Raider, 18 October 2018]
  31. "Well, 10/10 for obeying the laws of physics!" -- rosuav [Rise of the Tomb Raider, 18 October 2018]
  32. "Our bots are getting slaughtered, this is good" -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 19 October 2018]
  33. "If we're going to spawncamp, we may as well ALL spawncamp, right?" -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 19 October 2018]
  34. "LOOOOOOOOOT! Ooh, garlic!" -- OtherSister [Team Fortress 2, 25 October 2018]
  35. "I had to throw that smoke - it was in my hands." -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 26 October 2018]
  36. "I can buy nothing!" -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 26 October 2018]
  37. "That was worth it. My chooks all died." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 26 October 2018]
  38. "Can't see any difference. This is good!" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 1 November 2018]
  39. "Bleeding is not painful." -- OtherSister [Science & Technology, 1 November 2018]
  40. "YES! Next level of stupid; this is AWESOME!" -- stephenangelico [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 8 November 2018]
  41. "I think that's correct now." *CRASH* "Well it's not THAT correct, anyhow." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 9 November 2018]
  42. "Can't think - gotta kill" -- stephenangelico the Soldier Main [Team Fortress 2, 15 November 2018]
  43. "my volume was low and I heard something as 'connect to ikea through a web socket'" -- ShadowDragon7015 [Science & Technology, 16 November 2018]
  44. "why does that tag say English, shouldnt it be Australian?" Kappa -- ShadowDragon7015 [Science & Technology, 16 November 2018]
  45. "Yes, eating is dangerous, and you should stop doing it." Kappa -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 23 November 2018]
  46. "Why would it fail to work when it was previously working just fine" -- Rosuav, while programming = True [Science & Technology, 23 November 2018]
  47. "No problems. I don't get it." -- Rosuav, also all the time while programming [Science & Technology, 23 November 2018]
  48. "I stole your money." "Yayyyyyyy!" LazyGlassman and stardust_b1110 [Borderlands 2, 28 November 2018]
  49. "No fire alarms allowed on premises." -- stephenangelico [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 6 December 2018]
  50. "Cool! Let's go shoot some computers!" devicatSpook -- OtherSister [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 6 December 2018]
  51. "You destroyed my smiley face with your blood!" -- OtherSister [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 6 December 2018]
  52. "Y U DIE ME?!" -- OtherSister [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 6 December 2018]
  53. "Cheating seems like so much work." -- stephenangelico [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 20 December 2018]
  54. "A tree blew up. Quality software from Valve." -- Rosuav [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 20 December 2018]
  55. "I'm just going to update to the latest version of the old version..." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 21 December 2018]
  56. "Oh dear, it worked." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 28 December 2018]
  57. "Okay, that's better. Now I can't help you." -- stephenangelico [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 3 January 2019]
  58. "Sometimes it's backwards, and sometimes it's backwards twice." -- Rosuav [Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, 10 January 2019]
  59. "When you go looking daggers at people, the bullets are right there." -- Rosuav [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 24 January 2019]
  60. "I did eventually wrestle with Google and win." -- StephenAngelico [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 24 January 2019]
  61. "But I can see the blood on my face!" -- StephenAngelico [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 24 January 2019]
  62. "I wanted to reload with my right hand instead of my left, because I'm that lazy." -- StephenAngelico [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 24 January 2019]
  63. "I know I'm supposed to be scared, but I've been waiting four years to meet that doll and I can only be happy!" -- Rosuav [Perception, 7 February 2019]
  64. "Well, that ALMOST submitted." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 8 February 2019]
  65. "It didn't crash. That's scary." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 15 February 2019]
  66. "That is almost elegant in a ridiculous way." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 22 February 2019]
  67. Xilllians: "TODO" - ChatTranslator: "ALL" [Science & Technology, 25 February 2019]
  68. "Did you just type a visual typo?" -- StephenAngelico [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 1 March 2019]
  69. "I'm just going to jump off this barrel..." -- Rosuav [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 1 March 2019]
  70. "Don't worry, I'm not usually that cruel." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 8 March 2019]
  71. "Having a tough day? Join your brother in game and shoot his bots." -- goldbonditchpowder [Science & Technology, 8 March 2019]
  72. "Whoops, I just shot him in the devicatButt " -- StephenAngelico [Science & Technology, 8 March 2019]
  73. "Chocolate. Even better than art." rosuavChoc -- Rosuav [BATMAN - The Telltale Series, 14 March 2019]
  74. "This is how you fight - exhaust him. I've... had some practice at this." -- Rosuav [BATMAN - The Telltale Series, 14 March 2019]
  75. "Let's... get... Kraken..." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 15 March 2019]
  76. "Mad I have no problem with. Lack of information - that I have a problem with." -- Rosuav [BATMAN - The Telltale Series, 21 March 2019]
  77. "We're here for REAL insanity - what we usually call computer programming." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 22 March 2019]
  78. "Definitely OP. devicatShiny : 100% chance to make everyone go devicatAww - no random crits." -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 22 March 2019]
  79. "I was dealing with the bug by not dealing with the bug..." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 12 April 2019]
  80. "TIL: if your corpse would hit a rubber boat, it falls through" -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 3 May 2019]
  81. "Connected and... segfaulted. Brilliant." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 3 May 2019]
  82. "DeviCat: OOO I see my eating badge" -- ChatTranslator [Science & Technology, 10 May 2019]
  83. "Bloody was good, but gift-wrapped was weird." -- stephenangelico [The Town of Light, 16 May 2019]
  84. "I unfortunately main Windows." -- DillonEA [Science & Technology, 31 May 2019]
  85. " rosuavLove I love emotes!" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 11 June 2019]
  86. "Yes, I am more annoyed by photographs than bullets." -- Rosuav [Half-Life 2, 11 July 2019]
  87. "I was busy watching a CRT die... and be happy." -- Rosuav [Half-Life 2, 11 July 2019]
  88. "Shuh puh!" -- Rosuav, to a Combine Metrocop [Half-Life 2, 11 July 2019]
  89. "When you're a beginner Carpenter and can't figure out to use a hammer just throw it at an exploding barrel" -- mydearestpickle [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 18 July 2019]
  90. "There's no better family bonding than fire, guns, and opera." -- mydearestpickle [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 18 July 2019]
  91. "Wow, I have pickle issues" -- Erin [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 18 July 2019]
  92. "Insanity is a dish best served shared." -- Rosuav [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, 1 August 2019]
  93. "I guess I'll kill everyone. I was gonna run past, but I guess it's easier to just kill them." -- Rosuav [Half-Life 2, 8 August 2019]
  94. "What I want to do is just gravity gun... me." -- Rosuav [Half-Life 2, 16 August 2019]
  95. "Shush, I thought I muted you." -- Rosuav, to himself [Just Chatting, 16 August 2019]
  96. "I'd rather kill myself with sugar. And I'm working on that." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 23 August 2019]
  97. "Classy Background music: Check Rosuav typing sounds: Check Conclusion: Rosuav is actually performing a ballet with fingers" -- mydearestpickle [Science & Technology, 23 August 2019]
  98. "Connection: Keep-Alice" rosuavAlice -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 23 August 2019]
  99. "You can have sunglasses on a ladder!" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 6 September 2019]
  100. "The first clue that I've bounced something is that something ISN'T bouncing." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 26 September 2019]
  101. "The Bizon is not unique - just stupid." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 4 October 2019]
  102. "Roses are red, violets are blue, ladders are evil, we all know it's true" -- Amhaezing [Moonlighter, 24 October 2019]
  103. "Well I'm glad that just did nothing." -- Rosuav [Deponia, 7 November 2019]
  104. "That must be a new chapter, because we don't have any bananas left..." -- Rosuav [Chaos on Deponia, 2 January 2020]
  105. "I don't know why this makes any sense, but it was clickable so I clicked it." -- Rosuav [Goodbye Deponia, 23 January 2020]
  106. "Where is she now, and who is she murdering?" -- Rosuav [Goodbye Deponia, 13 February 2020]
  107. "What on earth is a sausage key?!" -- Rosuav [Deponia Doomsday, 5 March 2020]
  108. "What made you think..." -- Rosuav [Deponia Doomsday, 5 March 2020]
  109. "...and everything's in a mess! Wait, that isn't a change." -- Rosuav [Deponia Doomsday, 5 March 2020]
  110. "Now how do I know who I am?" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 9 March 2020]
  111. "Awww but violence is always the answer" -- sassy_charline [Deponia Doomsday, 12 March 2020]
  112. "I don't know what I would do with the butter, because I thought I wanted a Series 2 Time Machine." -- Rosuav [Deponia Doomsday, 19 March 2020]
  113. "Welcome to programming, where you do stupid things and then go 'What did I do?'" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 20 March 2020]
  114. "Welcome to programming, where you experience the great triumph... that NOTHING CHANGED!" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 20 March 2020]
  115. "Talk to them instead of shooting them with the crossbow?" --Rosuav [Deponia Doomsday, 26 March 2020]
  116. "Now I'll save here, in the same position, but with cheese in my inventory." rosuavSave StinkyCheese -- Rosuav [Deponia Doomsday, 26 March 2020]
  117. "IT HAS AUDIO IN IT!! maayaScream " -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 6 April 2020]
  118. "I don't want fair. I want right!" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 6 April 2020]
  119. "It does nothing! FINALLY!" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 10 April 2020]
  120. "I have choc-ified this code..." rosuavChoc -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 13 April 2020]
  121. "I have no idea what I'm doing here" -- Rosuav (repeated line) [Science & Technology, 20 April 2020]
  122. "...because I like messing with gravity..." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 24 April 2020]
  123. "There's too much code for this to just work." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 15 May 2020]
  124. "So what we learned from collecting data is that we learned nothing from collecting data." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 29 May 2020]
  125. "FIREFOX, STOP BEING SO UNHELPFULLY HELPFUL... oops sorry" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 1 June 2020]
  126. "It would be nice if other people had names..." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 12 June 2020]
  127. "If you want to prove that you exist, think. Now I know that may be difficult for some people..." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 19 June 2020]
  128. "Does that mean that tickets are guns?" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 19 June 2020]
  129. "Soooooooo a ghost can Kronk things. TIL." -- Rosuav [Goetia, 25 June 2020]
  130. "We just took a short break from a story about being dead riPepperonis ... to a short story about being cute maayaCute " -- Rosuav [Goetia, 25 June 2020]
  131. "One day I'll be professional... and then I won't know what to do with myself." -- Rosuav [Goetia, 25 June 2020]
  132. "What's the point of avoiding a pun anyway?" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 26 June 2020]
  133. "I was talking about a dead brother, not one of mine." -- Rosuav [Goetia, 23 July 2020]
  134. "I powered up the computer - then fell asleep while waiting for Windows to boot." -- Person_in_the_MIRROR [Goetia, 23 July 2020]
  135. "Programming is fun because there are so many solutions to a problem" -- Xillians [Science & Technology, 24 July 2020]
  136. "Programming is maddening because there are so many solutions to a problem" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 24 July 2020]
  137. "I don't know what 8 means, maybe that's 3." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 30 July 2020]
  138. "Accuracy? What's Accuracy?" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 24 August 2020]
  139. "Doing the impossible takes many, many hours. It is extremely tedious." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 24 August 2020]
  140. "Please only create paradoxes if they are funny." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 28 August 2020]
  141. "When I took the eye out of the fish, the eye disappeared from the fish. You should not be surprised at this." -- Rosuav [Fausts Alptraum, 3 September 2020]
  142. "Thanks! It's been real...tek." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 7 September 2020]
  143. "Technically she wasn't an enemy... Yeah she was an enemy." -- Rosuav [Fausts Alptraum, 10 September 2020]
  144. "The umbrella is a dress all of its own." -- Rosuav [Fausts Alptraum, 10 September 2020]
  145. "Let's go for broke! ... It broke." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 18 September 2020]
  146. "Matches are a poor substitute for a cat." -- Rosuav [Fausts Alptraum, 24 September 2020]
  147. "When in doubt, kill -9." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 25 September 2020]
  148. "I'll probably get murdered by a statistician... but then I'll just become a statistic." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 25 September 2020]
  149. "Apparently I need more chocolate." maayaNom -- Rosuav [Fausts Alptraum, 1 October 2020]
  150. "I wanted to make it easier by eating a bit of chocolate - which, let's face it, does make things a lot easier." maayaNom -- Rosuav [Fausts Alptraum, 1 October 2020]
  151. "If you don't have a wheel, you gotta walk." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 2 October 2020]
  152. "I'm glad I can look at people." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 8 October 2020]
  153. "When you don't have any doves, sometimes you just have to upgrade to a dragon." -- Rosuav [Anna's Quest, 8 October 2020]
  154. "You can't save in Counter-Strike" is an insult similar to "You suck at peeking!" -- stephenangelico [Anna's Quest, 15 October 2020]
  155. "I didn't achieve what I wanted, but I did break something, so... that's something." -- Rosuav [Anna's Quest, 22 October 2020]
  156. "I wanted to be nice, but I don't think there's any point to that." -- Rosuav [Anna's Quest, 29 October 2020]
  157. "I'm just going to try using the knife on everything." rosuavBlade -- Rosuav [Related, 12 November 2020]
  158. "I mean, I was going to take it anyway, but it's nice to get permission." -- Rosuav [Anna's Quest, 19 November 2020]
  159. "I like shed. shed is where I keep my Chocolate Factory." maayaNom -- Rosuav [Anna's Quest, 19 November 2020]
  160. "This is me being artistic, by the way - this doesn't happen very often." maayaBrush -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 20 November 2020]
  161. "So you've programmed a way to cheat without cheating?" -- Mirror [Science & Technology, 30 November 2020]
  162. "He has trouble finding his hands..." HahaShrugLeft HahaShrugMiddle HahaShrugRight "... I have trouble finding basic directions." HahaDreidel -- Rosuav [Youropa, 3 December 2020]
  163. "Can I pick up the corpse of a shark-dog?" -- Rosuav [Youropa, 10 December 2020]
  164. "Can I just, like, turn off the rain?" -- Rosuav [Youropa, 10 December 2020]
  165. "See, this is what teeth are for - you throw smoke at them." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 11 December 2020]
  166. "Anyone can mess something up a little bit. But only a real expert can truly make the stuff of nightmares." maayaEvil -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 25 December 2020]
  167. "So, hey, we didn't die!" -- Stephen [Portal 2, 1 January 2021]
  168. "So, next time, don't fight me for the portals!" -- Rosuav to Stephen [Portal 2, 1 January 2021]
  169. "Putting sparkles on a ladder does not make it any better." rosuavLadder -- Rosuav [Little Misfortune, 7 January 2021]
  170. "Oh good, I was hoping she would be evil" maayaEvil -- StephenAngelico [TSIOQUE, 21 January 2021]
  171. "If artists sound like psychos, gamers just sound deranged." devicatEh -- Rosuav [TSIOQUE, 28 January 2021]
  172. "I have no qualms about talking back to the voices in my head." -- Rosuav [Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, 18 February 2021]
  173. "How badly is it broken? It's NOT! That means I didn't update everything." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 15 March 2021]
  174. "It wasn't what I wanted, but it sounded good." -- Rosuav [Superliminal, 18 March 2021]
  175. "This is awesome. And by 'awesome', I mean confusing. And I LOVE it." -- Rosuav [Shady Part of Me, 1 April 2021]
  176. "That one was coincidentally working because of an unrelated bug." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 9 April 2021]
  177. "Oooh! It worked! That's unusual!" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 26 April 2021]
  178. "Stephen, don't forget to remind me to do something before the end of stream" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 29 April 2021]
  179. "Always adding to the todo list is better than not having a todo list at all" -- Jpower777 [Science & Technology, 30 April 2021]
  180. "Then I just go 'punka, punka, punka' & they're all down. So satisfying!" -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 10 May 2021]
  181. "Your present, which is my future, is what I made of it. That's a lot of responsibility, so I'm going to pretend I didn't say that." -- Rosuav [The Night of the Rabbit, 27 May 2021]
  182. "This spell is USELESS, like rose hips!" -- Rosuav [The Night of the Rabbit, 10 June 2021]
  183. "His corpse isn't bouncy or anything..." -- Rosuav [Chronology, 29 July 2021]
  184. "Clearly we are winning because we have a nice hat" -- Xillians [The Last Show of Mr. Chardish, 5 August 2021]
  185. "Wait where's our hat?" -- Xillians [The Last Show of Mr. Chardish, 5 August 2021]
  186. "This game is a montage of me forgetting to turn off gravity." -- Rosuav [Relicta, 19 August 2021]
  187. "I need to be able to trust my computers. If I can't trust my computers, who can I trust?" -- Rosuav [Relicta, 26 August 2021]
  188. "There's a thing labelled 'CONFIDENTIAL', and I'm not allowed to frob it. WHY?!" -- Rosuav [Relicta, 26 August 2021]
  189. "I can crush myself with it, but that doesn't matter..." -- Rosuav [Relicta, 2 September 2021]
  190. "I keep underestimating the power of broken physics." -- Rosuav [Relicta, 30 September 2021]
  191. "I don't *think* I broke it..." -- Rosuav [Relicta, 14 October 2021]
  192. "We're all friendly, we don't bite... much" -- Rosuav [Software and Game Development, 15 October 2021]
  193. "Now, I can throw that around, but let's start by just... placing it." -- Rosuav, unusually pacific [Relicta, 4 November 2021]
  194. "Drift can be solved with magnetism." -- Rosuav [Relicta, 11 November 2021]
  195. "I am not going to get tired of riding drones." -- Rosuav [Relicta, 18 November 2021]
  196. "That's scary because it worked. It actually worked!" -- Rosuav [Software and Game Development, 24 January 2022]
  197. "I just feel like breaking stuff." -- Rosuav [The Talos Principle, 27 January 2022]
  198. "We're gonna be villains just because they get better emoji." -- Rosuav [Software and Game Development, 28 January 2022]
  199. "I like doing the stupid things occasionally." -- Rosuav [The Talos Principle, 3 February 2022]
  200. "Wow, sane people suck!" -- Rosuav [The Talos Principle, 24 February 2022]
  201. "Can a fan be a hat?" -- stephenangelico [The Talos Principle, 10 March 2022]
  202. "Hydration depends on play buttons." devicatSip -- Rosuav [The Talos Principle, 17 March 2022]
  203. "Well there's not much difference between 6000km and infinite" -- stephenangelico [Software and Game Development, 21 March 2022]
  204. ""If I were sufficiently egotistical, I would say, 'I hope so.' Since I am sufficiently curious, I hope so."" -- Rosuav [The Talos Principle, 31 March 2022]
  205. "The difference between science and messing around is writing it down." -- Rosuav, citing Adam Savage [Software and Game Development, 27 June 2022]
  206. "I guess... if in doubt, just blow stuff up." rosuavBarrel -- Rosuav [Retro Machina, 14 July 2022]
  207. "No, I can't draw on the Sun." -- Rosuav [The Looker, 11 August 2022]
  208. "Everyone needs rosuavBlade_TK more knives." -- rosuav [Software and Game Development, 13 March 2023]
  209. "📛 Name badge?!? That is a No-Entry sign with fire coming out of its head!!" -- rosuav [Software and Game Development, 8 May 2023]
  210. "Dying is a perfectly normal thing on Pandora. I just want it to happen to the other guys." -- Rosuav [Borderlands 3, 13 July 2023]
  211. "It takes a lot of city to hide a country." -- Rosuav [Software and Game Development, 29 September 2023]
  212. "It's a good thing these are machines, because no man can serve 2 masters!" -- Person_in_the_MIRROR [Software and Game Development, 29 January 2024]
  213. "I'd say the same about you, but I'm under oath" -- Rosuav [The Talos Principle II, 23 May 2024]
  214. "Eat the cake, not the magnet." -- Rosuav [Software and Game Development, 14 June 2024]
  215. "Don't eat the posters either." -- Rosuav [Software and Game Development, 14 June 2024]
  216. "'The only drink available appears to be diet soda.' This is DEFINITELY a horror movie." -- Rosuav [Just a To the Moon Series Beach Episode, 26 September 2024]

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