Nothing can be saved or changed on the !demo channel, but you can on your own channel.

Commands for Rosuav

The marker $$ will be replaced with the name of the person entering the command, and %s will take whatever text was added after the command name.

To remove a command or part of a command's output, just blank it.

Command changes are logged to command history for reference.

Command Output
!addbug You're mad for trying to count them, but sure: {value}. Mod-only
!addquote @$$: Added quote #{id} Mod-only
!ari For $ppgame$, the current score is $aristotles$ Aristotles and $mashies$ Mashy Spike Plates. Mod-only
!aristotle For $ppgame$, the current score is $aristotles$ Aristotles and $mashies$ Mashy Spike Plates. Mod-only
!aristotles For $ppgame$, the current score is $aristotles$ Aristotles and $mashies$ Mashy Spike Plates. Mod-only
!barrel rosuavBarrel rosuavBarrel rosuavBarrel rosuavBarrel rosuavBarrel rosuavBarrel rosuavBarrel rosuavBarrel rosuavBarrel
!bingo We have a Bingo board for this channel! You can play it here:
!bot Yes, of course I'm a bot. Can't you tell? :) MrDestructoid
I can do more than just talk, too - !eatme, !botdance, and some secrets.
!bugs T{tier} bugs: {value} Goal: {goal} To next: {distance} Progress: {percentage}%
!calc @$$: {result}
!calendar My streaming schedule is: Mon at 10AM, Thurs and Fri at 8PM. See calendar here:
!choc The Chocolate Factory is a JavaScript UI library built for lightweight and convenient DOM manipulation. More information here ==>
!coinflip Heads rosuavAlice
Tails devicatButt
!commands Available commands are: !bot !boom !calc !csgo !github !help !iidpio !insane !ladder !loot !love !lurk !quote !raid !schedule !tf2 !tz !unlurk !uptime
!count Your count is $*count$.
No users have a count yet.
!csgo We have a dedicated Counter-Strike server running at which is open to all! Look for the server with the tag "drzed". Keep it family friendly and have fun! MrDestructoid
!csweapons CS:GO Weapons Spreadsheet by SlothSquadron:
!d% {username} rolls a d100 and gets: {result}
!d100 {username} rolls a d100 and gets: {result}
!d20 {username} rolls a CRIT on a d20!
!delquote @$$: Removed quote #{id}
!discord Join our quiet little Discord over here:
!dlinko If drop + plinko = dlinko, then plinko + drop = plop!
!dual Watch both our streams here:
!eatme Nom nom rosuavEatMe Even robots enjoy a good cake now and then...
No users have a count of at least five (yet).
!forcebrb Scene switched to {scenename}. Mod-only
!game For $ppgame$, the current score is $aristotles$ Aristotles and $mashies$ Mashy Spike Plates.
!gethelp Mental health - YOURS - is important. Don't struggle alone. If you need help, get help. Twitch has some handy links and phone numbers here:
!github My source code is available at - pull requests are always welcome.
!hearts rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove
!hug /me devicatHug $$ warmly hugs $participant$ maayaHug
!hw Sikorsky uses an Intel 14700KF on an ROG Strix B760-A, with 96GB DDR5 RAM, two 4TB hard drives (yes, rusty iron type) and one SSD for performance, all packaged up in a LANCOOL 216 case because nothing says "chill out" like gigantic case fans.
!hypetrain /me MrDestructoid Hype Train status: HypeUnicorn1 HypeUnicorn2 HypeUnicorn3 HypeUnicorn4 HypeUnicorn5 HypeUnicorn6 LEVEL FIVE COMPLETE!
!iidpio If In Doubt, Print It Out!
!insane Yes, I am definitely insane. I even have a certificate to prove it! rosuavAlice
Yes, I am definitely insane. I even have a certificate to prove it! maayaEvil
!jr You're quite possibly listening to the music of Judy Rogers, used by permission. Check out her web site here:
!kappamon The cute blue robot you see on stream is me! Or the Kappamon of me - hard to distinguish sometimes. Want your own? Check out their services here!
!kofi It's mainly for testing purposes, but I do have a Ko-fi and you're welcome to support me there if you really want to!
!loot stephe21LOOT stephe21LOOT stephe21LOOT Looooooooot! stephe21LOOT stephe21LOOT stephe21LOOT
!love rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove rosuavLove
!lurk devicatLurk No problem, $$ - enjoy your lurk! We'll see you soon. devicatLurk
!mashies For $ppgame$, the current score is $aristotles$ Aristotles and $mashies$ Mashy Spike Plates. Mod-only
!mashy For $ppgame$, the current score is $aristotles$ Aristotles and $mashies$ Mashy Spike Plates. Mod-only
!merch I have a merch shop now! Primarily for testing purposes, but hey, that's what most of my setup is for anyway!
!mine The more work there is of mine, the less there is of yours.
If you are interested in adding MustardMine to your channel, go to and follow the instructions!
!msg Use "!msg some important message" to leave the broadcaster a message for later.
!msp For $ppgame$, the current score is $aristotles$ Aristotles and $mashies$ Mashy Spike Plates. Mod-only
!nextbug Bugs advanced! Tier {tier} distance {distance} Disabled
!pike That language is probably Pike, a high-level language that you can find here:
!pixelplush Our countdown screen game and !plop game are the creations of Maaya and Instafluff, aka Pixel Plush - check out their amazing streamer tools here:
!plop {msgid}
!polldetails No poll has recently concluded, no details are available, sorry!
!portal For $ppgame$, the current score is $aristotles$ Aristotles and $mashies$ Mashy Spike Plates.
!portalpoints For $ppgame$, the current score is $aristotles$ Aristotles and $mashies$ Mashy Spike Plates.
!pp For $ppgame$, the current score is $aristotles$ Aristotles and $mashies$ Mashy Spike Plates.
!quote @$$: Quote #{id}: {msg} [{game||uncategorized}, {timestamp|date_dmy}]
!raid Let's go raiding! Copy and paste this raid call and be ready when I host our target!
/me twitchRaid The RosBots descend! twitchRaid
!redeem Available GIFs: $nonhiddengifredeems$ Mod-only
!save rosuavSave How long since you last saved? rosuavSave
!schedule My streaming schedule is: Mon at 10AM, Thurs and Fri at 8PM. See calendar here:
!share Need a place to upload your artwork? Post it here!
!shop I have a merch shop now! Primarily for testing purposes, but hey, that's what most of my setup is for anyway!
!shoutout No channel found (do you have the Twitch time machine?) Mod-only
!showtitle Current title: {newtitle}
!siblings Adult siblings are still siblings.
!so No channel found (do you have the Twitch time machine?) Mod-only
!song SingsNote Now playing: $vlccurtrack$ SingsNote
!specs Sikorsky uses an Intel 14700KF on an ROG Strix B760-A, with 96GB DDR5 RAM, two 4TB hard drives (yes, rusty iron type) and one SSD for performance, all packaged up in a LANCOOL 216 case because nothing says "chill out" like gigantic case fans.
!spend No problem, you now have $*count$ left.
!spike For $ppgame$, the current score is $aristotles$ Aristotles and $mashies$ Mashy Spike Plates. Mod-only
!spikes For $ppgame$, the current score is $aristotles$ Aristotles and $mashies$ Mashy Spike Plates. Mod-only
!stillebot The more work there is of mine, the less there is of yours.
If you are interested in adding MustardMine to your channel, go to and follow the instructions!
!tf2 We have a dedicated Team Fortress 2 server running at which is open to all! Search servers for "Sikorsky". Keep it family friendly and have fun! MrDestructoid
!time MercyWing1 rosuavWatch MercyWing2
!tips Level up your streaming game or get started - check out some handy tips & tricks:
!tz Which timezone would you like to check? Example: !tz New York, or !tz Prague.
!unlurk devicatLurk Welcome back from your lurk, $$! devicatLurk
!uptime Channel is currently offline.
!uselessbox /deletemsg {msgid}
!wingit MercyWing1 rosuavWatch MercyWing2
!winner Please fill out this form: {url}
Congratulations to {param} for winning! A form has been whispered to you - please fill it out to claim your prize!
!wintergatan Music by Wintergatan is occasionally used in this stream by permission from the creators. See and their Youtube channel to listen to or download their music - and also check out their spectacular music-making machines!

Some handy commands that your channel may want to use:

Channel info commands
Command Text
!discord Join my Discord server:
!shop stephe21LOOT Get some phat lewt at iimdprLoot
!twitter Follow my Twitter for updates, notifications, and other whatever-it-is-I-post:
!raid Let's go raiding! Copy and paste this raid call and be ready when I host our target! /me twitchRaid YOUR RAID CALL HERE twitchRaid
!insta My portfolio can be found at
!calendar Add my schedule to your calendar:
!song SingsNote Now playing: $vlccurtrack$ SingsNote
!periodic One of these messages every half hour: socials, please follow, thank you for being here, lurking is awesome
Viewer interactivity
Command Text
!love rosuavLove maayaHeart fxnLove devicatLove devicatHug noobsLove stephe21Heart beauatLOVE hypeHeart
!hype maayaHype HypeHype noobsHype maayaHype HypeHype noobsHype maayaHype HypeHype noobsHype
!hug /me devicatHug $$ warmly hugs %s maayaHug
!loot HypeChest RPGPhatLoot Loot ALL THE THINGS!! stephe21LOOT iimdprLoot
!lurk $$ drops into the realm of lurkdom devicatLurk
!unlurk $$ returns from the realm of lurk devicatLurk
!save rosuavSave How long since you last saved? devicatSave
!hydrate Drink water! Do it! And then do it again in half an hour. (Example timer)
Command Text
!winner Congratulations, %s! You have won The Thing, see this link for details...
!join Join us in Jackbox games! Type !play and go to
!play (Private message) We're over here:
!f2c Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
!c2f Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
!calc Calculate a simple numeric expression/formula
!tickets Giveaways - show number of tickets you have (any user)
!refund Giveaways - refund all your tickets (any user)
!delcmd Commands - Delete a simple command
!addcmd Commands - Create a simple command
!hypetrain Show the status of a hype train in this channel, or the cooldown before the next can start
!quote Quotes - View a chosen or random channel quote
!delquote Quotes - Delete a channel quote
!addquote Quotes - Add a channel quote
!follower Check whether someone is following the channel
!followage Check how long you've been following the channel
!shoutout Shout out another streamer, providing a link and some info about them (alias !so)
!uptime Show how long the channel has been online

Be sure to customize the command text to suit your channel, lest your commands look identical to everyone else's :)