Recorded quotes for stephenangelico
- "It's not too late... it's not too late... it's too late." - stephenangelico [The Secret of Monkey Island, 5 August 2017]
- "Let's go get shot out of a cannon again!" [The Secret of Monkey Island, 5 August 2017]
- "Yes. Left speaker sounds right, because this is stereo." - stephenangelico [Creative, 2 September 2017]
- "That's not the devil - that's a rope." -- StephenAngelico [Half-Life: Opposing Force, 7 April 2018]
- "Let's see if I can grab oil.... nope, I just can't grab it. I don't get it." -- stephenangelico [Rise of the Tomb Raider, 8 May 2018]
- "Cat! Cat means rare skin." -- stephenangelico [Rise of the Tomb Raider, 9 May 2018]
- "Sniper ammo. Is that like rockets but bullets?" -- stephenangelico [Borderlands 2, 17 May 2018]
- "You're right that this is backwards, but I want this to do nothing until something happens." -- stephenangelico [Creative, 29 May 2018]
- "What IS this? Shall we blow it up and find out?" -- stephenangelico [Running with Rifles, 9 June 2018]
- "Now that I'm not splitting my concentration between eating chocolate and shooting guys..." -- stephenangelico [Running with Rifles, 12 June 2018]
- "And last I checked, I'm not landing in the Dead Sea." -- stephenangelico [F-22 Raptor, 23 June 2018]
- "Never mind about the crypt - I don't expect to need it any time soon." -- stephenangelico [Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth, 14 July 2018]
- "This is an inconsequential moral decision." -- stephenangelico [Tales from the Borderlands, 4 September 2018]
- "You just got OWNED by a Stroopwaffel!" -- stephenangelico [Sid Meier's Pirates!, 17 October 2018]
- "Give us all your chocolate! Your chocolate or your life!!" -- stephenangelico [Sid Meier's Pirates!, 17 October 2018]
- "It's better to F6 in the bathroom than not at all." -- stephenangelico [Command & Conquer: Renegade, 31 October 2018]
- "Skirmish is just like multiplayer, but single player." -- stephenangelico [OpenRA, 3 November 2018]
- "Not that way, you dingdong!" -- stephenangelico [Command & Conquer, 10 November 2018]
- "Is EVERYONE a moron?" -- stephenangelico [Command & Conquer, 10 November 2018]
- "I'm going to keep hearing those screams... and I'm going to just keep laughing..." -- stephenangelico [Command & Conquer, 10 November 2018]
- "Where is ground? ... Ohh it's right there." -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 15 December 2018]
- "I wanna keep my skins though" -- OtherSister [Warzone 2100, 9 January 2019]
- "And by 'a couple' I mean 'all of them'" -- stephenangelico [Warzone 2100, 9 January 2019]
- "... while group 1 does some real work. Chopping down trees." -- stephenangelico [Warzone 2100, 12 January 2019]
- "It's so unfair I'm getting framedrops!" -- stephenangelico [Warzone 2100, 19 January 2019]
- "Do I have the shape of a monkey's head?" -- stephenangelico [Escape from Monkey Island, 9 February 2019]
- "Okay, there's a fourth [banana] coming along. Wait for that to solidify..." -- stephenangelico [Escape from Monkey Island, 9 February 2019]
- "I was watching that scoped-in. It's like opera glasses, only with a gun attached!" -- stephenangelico [Borderlands 2, 13 February 2019]
- "Ah right, should probably unlock that head." -- stephenangelico [Borderlands 2, 13 February 2019]
- "I like the way Borderlands 2 draws ice. It's really cool." -- stephenangelico [Borderlands 2, 13 February 2019]
- "It's sort of like firing a guided shotgun!" -- stephenangelico [American McGee's Alice, 20 February 2019]
- "I don't care WHO hits the enemies, as long as they die." -- stephenangelico [American McGee's Alice, 20 February 2019]
- "I've no idea where I'm going, but I'm saving before I go there." -- stephenangelico [American McGee's Alice, 23 February 2019]
- "Wait, [Gryphon] has ice breath? Wow, that's cool!" -- stephenangelico [American McGee's Alice, 27 February 2019]
- "What have I achieved, except for… destroying everyone in sight?" -- stephenangelico [American McGee's Alice, 27 February 2019]
- "Whoa, took his head off... Sorry about that -- NO I'M NOT!!" -- stephenangelico [American McGee's Alice, 6 March 2019]
- "Why am I hearing water? .... Don't understand why there's water. Gotta save!!" -- stephenangelico [American McGee's Alice, 6 March 2019]
- "You hurt me, therefore I want you to die." -- stephenangelico [American McGee's Alice, 6 March 2019]
- "[repeated line] WHOA the knockback!" -- stephenangelico [American McGee's Alice, 6 March 2019]
- "Alice, you're amazing, by the way. Just saying." -- stephenangelico [American McGee's Alice, 6 March 2019]
- "Awwww, now you have a NICE quote in there! Oh well, we had to break the record somewhere." -- stephenangelico [American McGee's Alice, 6 March 2019]
- "I just have to kill Alice now... sorry Alice..." -- stephenangelico [American McGee's Alice, 9 March 2019]
- "Madness is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results. Mentoring is watching someone do the same thing twice, and making sure the results are better the second time." -- Rosuav [Borderlands, 13 March 2019]
- "Anything to see? Marbles... flowers... prettiness... alright, let's go!" -- stephenangelico [Alice: Madness Returns, 13 March 2019]
- "The chin is true!" -- stephenangelico [Alice: Madness Returns, 13 March 2019]
- "I mean, yes, they're breakable, but they're not breakables." -- stephenangelico [Alice: Madness Returns, 16 March 2019]
- "If he's invited us in, we might as well snoop around, right?" -- stephenangelico [Alice: Madness Returns, 20 March 2019]
- "Gotta remember: the chin always points true." -- stephenangelico [Alice: Madness Returns, 20 March 2019]
- "I didn't know memories could kill." -- stephenangelico [Alice: Madness Returns, 30 March 2019]
- ... Rosuav contemplates a Gatling webcam ... [Science & Technology, 13 April 2019]
- "There's small amounts of storage down there for... small amounts of...
stuff." -- stephenangelico [Subnautica, 8 June 2019]
- "It costs four hundred thousand dollars to upgrade this laptop in twelve seconds." -- Rosuav [Subnautica, 19 June 2019]
- "Wow, it's like gold is actually rare! WTHE?
" -- stephenangelico [Subnautica, 26 June 2019]
- "I'm running on more than fifteen minutes of sleep. I'm running on seven!" -- stephenangelico [Subnautica: Below Zero, 10 July 2019]
- "The light is really making it hard to see." -- stephenangelico [Syberia, 17 July 2019]
- "I need a KEY!" -- Kate Walker [Syberia, 17 July 2019]
- "Why am I carrying around a CPU? I don't need a CPU." -- stephenangelico [Subnautica: Below Zero, 3 August 2019]
- "I don't do brain inspections." -- stephenangelico [Syberia II, 10 August 2019]
- "I'm just gonna eat that guy raw devicatNOM " -- stephenangelico [Subnautica: Below Zero, 21 August 2019]
- *boom* "So I still have the high ground…" *boom* -- stephenangelico [Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal, 7 September 2019]
- "What does this beam do? I have no idea - I just activated it!" -- stephenangelico [Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal, 25 September 2019]
- "It's nice to not be abused." -- stephenangelico [Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal, 5 October 2019]
- "If I can just... not overbuild..." -- stephenangelico [Creeper World 2, 23 October 2019]
- "That's actually very elegant asteroid design." -- stephenangelico [Creeper World 2, 6 November 2019]
- "I solved it on my own, because I am a moron." -- stephenangelico [Shadow of the Tomb Raider, 27 November 2019]
- "And by 'in a minute' I mean 'no'" -- stephenangelico [Shadow of the Tomb Raider, 4 December 2019]
- "That's another thing I can break." -- stephenangelico [Shadow of the Tomb Raider, 21 December 2019]
- "Imagine if I'd taken out more STUFF! iimdprLoot " -- stephenangelico [Ace Combat 7, 25 January 2020]
- "I can't unlock a whole plane, so I'll just unlock a lot of parts." -- stephenangelico [Ace Combat 7, 1 February 2020]
- "Biological red barrels.
" -- stephenangelico [Black Mesa, 19 February 2020]
- "I've got a thingy full of hydrochloric acid, and I don't know why. devicatEH " -- stephenangelico [Syberia III, 29 February 2020]
- "Over the spikes is safe" -- StephenAngelico [Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, 1 April 2020]
- "The last autosave should be coming out of the weather machine." -- stephenangelico [Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, 1 April 2020]
- "Tip: When you want to point, use something LESS damaging than a rocket launcher." -- Rosuav [Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, 4 April 2020]
- "Those are the friendlies, I think… unless… they aren't." -- stephenangelico [F-16 Multirole Fighter, 15 April 2020]
- "I just keep wanting to DESTROY MORE!
" -- stephenangelico [F-16 Multirole Fighter, 22 April 2020]
- "I am sniping with a saw. This is not how this is supposed to work.
" -- stephenangelico [Delta Force, 25 April 2020]
- "I can! I shot the bird!" -- stephenangelico [Delta Force, 6 May 2020]
- " Let's do this the safe way: with explosives.
" -- stephenangelico [Delta Force, 9 May 2020]
- "You gotta be CAREFUL with nuclear warheads!" -- stephenangelico [Comanche 4, 20 May 2020]
- "I was just making sure I was shooting someone who needed to be shot." -- stephenangelico [Delta Force 2, 3 June 2020]
- "I don't know if I'm done destroying stuff yet." -- stephenangelico [Delta Force 2, 3 June 2020]
- "
There's gotta be someone else to shoot…
" -- stephenangelico [Delta Force 2, 10 June 2020]
- "I'm gonna blow up some fuel. We can always find out where stuff is later." -- stephenangelico [Delta Force 2, 13 June 2020]
- "I had contact with a tree.
" -- stephenangelico [Delta Force 2, 13 June 2020]
- "Can't tell if that's a human or a tree...
" -- stephenangelico [Delta Force 2, 24 June 2020]
- "Aside from being a bit of a nutcase, I think he's pretty cool!" -- stephenangelico [Tachyon: The Fringe, 16 September 2020]
- "It could be weaponized OR it could be used to make a killing..." -- stephenangelico [Tachyon: The Fringe, 30 September 2020]
- "Now what? What do I have to destroy?
" -- stephenangelico [Armored Fist 3, 21 October 2020]
- "Whip fudge forces." -- stephenangelico [Armored Fist 3, 14 November 2020]
- "That's expensive, but at least it shoots stuff." -- stephenangelico [Particle Fleet: Emergence, 25 November 2020]
- "I don't want to overbuild just YET." -- stephenangelico [Particle Fleet: Emergence, 28 November 2020]
- "Note to self: Don't attract the cloud.
" -- stephenangelico [Particle Fleet: Emergence, 28 November 2020]
- "And that was victory: I lost everything." -- stephenangelico [Particle Fleet: Emergence, 2 December 2020]
- "He's getting full! … and by that I mean he's getting empty." -- stephenangelico [Creeper World 4, 23 January 2021]
- "She died tragically, but whatever." -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 3 February 2021]
- "This is a lot more complex. Ooooh I like this!" -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 6 February 2021]
- "All I need is editor and REPL. 🐍" -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 24 February 2021]
- "That directly affects its ability to suck." -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 13 March 2021]
- "I apparently do not have a butt.
" -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 20 March 2021]
- "Omitted punctuation resulted in a bug, and in excess punctuation. It's the cosmic brace balance." -- Rosuav [Science & Technology, 17 April 2021]
- "Yeah, but I want something that exists." -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 26 May 2021]
- "Oh - uhh - I don't have enough terminals open." -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 19 June 2021]
- "I had a thought process on how to do this… I need to fall up.
" -- stephenangelico [Portal 2, 21 July 2021]
- "Of course it works, because we tested this previously." -- stephenangelico [Science & Technology, 14 August 2021]
- "It looks like the Apocalypse, but it's just a sunrise" -- stephenangelico [Subnautica: Below Zero, 18 August 2021]
- "511!! That's less than 512!" -- stephenangelico [Software and Game Development, 9 October 2021]
- "We have capacity for a LOT of salad." -- stephenangelico [Subnautica: Below Zero, 24 November 2021]
- "Scanning is like looting but nondestructively" -- Rosuav [Subnautica: Below Zero, 1 December 2021]
- "We made coffee. We had other options, including not making coffee." -- stephenangelico [Detroit: Become Human, 2 February 2022]
- "Let's unlock the pigeon." -- stephenangelico [Detroit: Become Human, 23 February 2022]
- "Oh. A rock. I don't need rocks." -- stephenangelico [Horizon Zero Dawn, 13 April 2022]
- "It's a high-quality tooth! Cool!" -- stephenangelico [Horizon Zero Dawn, 18 May 2022]
- "And the hat actually counts as a hat." -- stephenangelico [Software and Game Development, 11 June 2022]
- "We can't have a dim LED - that's just not on." -- stephenangelico [Horizon Zero Dawn, 23 November 2022]
- "Everything becomes loot eventually." -- stephenangelico [Return to Monkey Island, 1 February 2023]
- A camera... is just an argument. [Software and Game Development, 18 February 2023]
- "I can wash my face with dirty water, but I don't think I can
loot." -- stephenangelico [Metro: Last Light, 16 August 2023]
- "I... am going... to die....... oh, loot!" -- stephenangelico [Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, 1 November 2023]
- "Could have been worse. Also, it's on fire." -- stephenangelico [BioShock, 10 January 2024]
- "Maybe not all is lost, but I need to change everything." -- stephenangelico [Software and Game Development, 2 March 2024]
- "That looked like ammo. It's actually crayons." -- stephenangelico [something, 10 April 2024]
- "I gotta remember to research things before I kill them!" -- stephenangelico [something, 8 May 2024]
- "Food is for eating." -- stephenangelico [The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, 18 December 2024]
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