Commands for IIMDProds
The marker $$
will be replaced with the name of the person entering the
command, and %s
will take whatever text was added after the command name.
To remove a command or part of a command's output, just blank it.
Command changes are logged to command history for reference.
Command | Output | |
!addcmd |
@$$: {result} |
!addquote |
@$$: Added quote #{id} |
!calc |
@$$: {result} |
!charity |
Thank you for supporting service dogs for vets with #DogsVetsGames -- for more information, visit To donate via Facebook, visit |
!contact |
Get more updates on all things geeky, gaming, and Godly by following Interceptor on Twitter (@interceptorismy) and Instagram (@interceptorismydog) |
!coop |
Want to see both players? |
!deaths |
Randomness has resulted in $deaths$ deaths so far. |
!delcmd |
@$$: {result} |
!delquote |
@$$: Removed quote #{id} |
!died |
1 And everyone's dead... RIP. $deaths$ deaths. |
Mod-only |
!discord |
Join Interceptor and other Catholics in building up a Catholic streaming zone. All are welcome with love and respect for the truth! |
!dogsvetsgames |
OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog Check out the great work of the Puppy Jake Foundation! |
!extralife |
I'm playing games and saving lives as part of Team F7. Support us! |
!failure |
Hang with the other failures on Discord: |
!fish |
<>< |
!follower |
@{username}: {curname} is not following. |
!hypetrain |
/me MrDestructoid Hype Train status: HypeUnicorn1 HypeUnicorn2 HypeUnicorn3 HypeUnicorn4 HypeUnicorn5 HypeUnicorn6 LEVEL FIVE COMPLETE! |
!latin |
Freely available Latin learning materials can be found at - you can follow along with Benjamin L D'ooge's "Latin for Beginners"! |
!loot |
iimdprLoot stephe21LOOT Bring on the loot! stephe21LOOT iimdprLoot |
!lurk |
iimdprKeyblade go and be chill |
!prayer |
We've got your back. Let us know your prayer intention. |
!quote |
@$$: Quote #{id}: {msg} [{game||uncategorized}, {timestamp|date_dmy}] |
!raid |
Copy and Paste the following when we get to the stream "/me Wild Fang! Interceptor and the gang are here!" |
!repeat |
@$$: {result} |
!shoutout |
No channel found (do you have the Twitch time machine?) |
Mod-only |
!so |
No channel found (do you have the Twitch time machine?) |
Mod-only |
!switch |
SW-3020-2518-0150 |
!unlurk |
Welcome back to the chat, friend! |
!unrepeat |
@$$: {result} |
!uptime |
Channel is currently offline. |
!youtube |
An archive of Latin videos and other content can be found here: |