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Recorded quotes for IIMDProds

  1. "Enough butt!" -- IIMDProds [A Way Out, 25 November 2018]
  2. "I'll just stab him in the back, then I'll kill the Gallic brothers, and then I'll leave!" -- IIMDProds [Assassin's Creed Origins, 24 December 2018]
  3. "I can't read chat at the moment, I'm too busy stabbing this guy." -- IIMDProds [Assassin's Creed Origins, 24 December 2018]
  4. "Let's just murder some of these guys so we know where our enemies are..." -- IIMDProds [Assassin's Creed Origins, 24 December 2018]
  5. "Did I get a rumour? Nope, I just killed a man. Oh well." -- IIMDProds [Octopath Traveler, 25 December 2018]
  6. "The opera singer is gorgeous. I know, because she looks like me." -- IIMDProds [Final Fantasy VI, 29 December 2018]
  7. "Come on! Talk to me! Are you dead? Oh. I guess you're dead." -- IIMDProds [Final Fantasy VI, 29 December 2018]
  8. "Move out of the way! I want to read the Greek!" -- IIMDProds [Assassin's Creed Origins, 31 December 2018]
  9. "I wouldn’t call what he had an 'empire', but OK...." -- IIMDProds [Assassin's Creed Origins, 31 December 2018]
  10. "Alexander the Great was just a frat boy" -- IIMDProds [Assassin's Creed Origins, 31 December 2018]
  11. "New strategy! Chainsaw!" -- IIMDProds [Final Fantasy VI, 5 January 2019]
  12. "Uh oh, we're just going to have to slaughter everybody..." -- IIMDProds [Assassin's Creed Origins, 6 January 2019]
  13. "Oops! I was just standing in a fire, reading chat. That did NOT end well." -- IIMDProds [Assassin's Creed Origins, 6 January 2019]
  14. "It was really the pun that was the problem." -- IIMDProds (to Rosuav) [Assassin's Creed Origins, 7 January 2019]
  15. "Oh! Of COURSE there are body parts here. Let me explain." -- iimdprods [Assassin's Creed Origins, 7 January 2019]
  16. "Fine. I hate art." -- IIMDProds [Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, 14 January 2019]
  17. "Oh yeah! The wine-stomping!" -- IIMDProds [Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, 14 January 2019]
  18. "I'll try to avoid Romanovs in the workplace." -- The_Punchening [Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, 16 January 2019]
  19. "I should NOT get hit by those laser beams, huh?" -- IIMDProds [Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, 16 January 2019]
  20. "Give me a moment to remember how to stab people...." -- IIMDProds [Middle-earth: Shadow of War, 21 January 2019]
  21. "The Palantir is a powerful artifact. It's almost as good as a Skype or Google Hangouts call." -- Rosuav [Middle-earth: Shadow of War, 21 January 2019]
  22. "I don't know if it's a planet, or something I shoot... or both..." -- IIMDProds [Kingdom Hearts III, 30 January 2019]
  23. "I'm going to let you guys figure it out while I equip relics. You guys get the Nobel Prize, I play video games from the 90s." -- IIMDProds [Final Fantasy VI, 2 February 2019]
  24. stephenangelico: " rosuavNerd " IIMDProds: "I see the family resemblance now." [Final Fantasy VI, 2 February 2019]
  25. "Gotta have those even 5s, otherwise you'll go crazy" -- IIMDProds [Final Fantasy VI, 2 February 2019]
  26. StephenAngelico: "I attended a wedding" Prods: "I hope the food was good." [Final Fantasy VI, 2 February 2019]
  27. "R1. Stab! Stab! Stab! Stab! Stab!" -- IIMDProds [Middle-earth: Shadow of War, 4 February 2019]
  28. "Okay. So if I do it twice, their brains explode. Useful information." -- IIMDProds [Middle-earth: Shadow of War, 4 February 2019]
  29. "This guy looks sick. Let's beat him up." -- IIMDProds [Kingdom Hearts III, 11 February 2019]
  30. "I'm not even watching. I'm just assuming I can blow all these guys up without looking." -- IIMDProds [Kingdom Hearts III, 27 February 2019]
  31. "I defeated pure energy! I feel pretty accomplished." -- IIMDProds [Final Fantasy VI, 2 March 2019]
  32. "You're welcome. Thank chat, they voted to keep you alive." -- IIMDProds [Final Fantasy VI, 2 March 2019]
  33. "I will read about your history lesson AFTER I blow up this ship." -- IIMDProds [Kingdom Hearts III, 13 March 2019]
  34. "I'm not 100% sure where I'm supposed to be looking, so I'm just breaking all the things. I think that's right?" -- IIMDProds [Kingdom Hearts III, 13 March 2019]
  35. "I don't understand why it has the bone sticking out of its behind. It is EXTREMELY strange." -- IIMDProds [Little Dragons Cafe, 18 March 2019]
  36. "OH NO! That zucchini is going to kill me!!" -- IIMDProds [Little Dragons Cafe, 18 March 2019]
  37. "Oooh it's almost time for me to wake up! I need to get to sleep!" -- IIMDProds [Little Dragons Cafe, 25 March 2019]
  38. "I'm more of a 'just beat em until they die' kind of person. devicatPOW " -- IIMDProds [Little Dragons Cafe, 27 March 2019]
  39. "Just... commas for everyone." -- IIMDProds [Little Dragons Cafe, 27 March 2019]
  40. "Well, it looks like everybody's still dead. So that's good." -- IIMDProds [Little Dragons Cafe, 27 March 2019]
  41. "Ahh! I was so distracted by cheese and cashews that I got zapped!" -- IIMDProds [Kingdom Hearts III, 3 April 2019]
  42. "Yay, I'm glad my PhD counts for something! I can say 'Caligula' correctly!" -- IIMDProds [Kingdom Hearts III, 3 April 2019]
  43. "We destroyed the world last time… which is bad." -- IIMDProds [Final Fantasy VI, 4 May 2019]
  44. "We have a dragon. We could do it." -- IIMDProds [Little Dragons Cafe, 13 May 2019]
  45. "I'm used to playing games where you can be MUCH more violent." -- IIMDProds [Little Dragons Cafe, 27 May 2019]
  46. "Regretting decisions is part of the RPG experience." -- IIMDProds [Just Chatting, 28 May 2019]
  47. "I think someone's yelling. I'm going to stab them." -- IIMDProds [Dragon Age: Origins, 5 June 2019]
  48. "I'm a dog; I don't notice traps." -- IIMDProds [Dragon Age: Origins, 12 June 2019]
  49. "Which direction is yellow?" -- IIMDProds [Little Dragons Cafe, 7 July 2019]
  50. "Being an introvert's great. … I mean, except when it's not." -- IIMDProds [Little Dragons Cafe, 7 July 2019]
  51. "I just can't resist it! I want to break things!" -- IIMDProds [Oninaki, 2 August 2019]
  52. "Time to eat sail!" -- IIMDProds [Dragon Quest Builders 2, 9 August 2019]
  53. "How dare you not kill everything??" -- The_Punchening [The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, 21 September 2019]
  54. "He's a poet, dude. Calm down." -- IIMDProds [Games + Demos, 23 September 2019]
  55. "I'm going to clean this dish, and then I'm going to TALK TO YOU!" -- IIMDProds [Little Dragons Cafe, 16 October 2019]
  56. "I just ran into a tree. Because I was reading chat." -- IIMDProds [Little Dragons Cafe, 23 October 2019]
  57. "You have to hit the button to kill yourself. And I don't want to." -- IIMDProds [Oninaki, 30 October 2019]
  58. "Now do what you normally do: laugh." -- The_Punchening, to Prods [Mario Kart 8, 3 November 2019]
  59. "Also an Emperor of Rome, but in this sentence, just a farmer" -- IIMDProds [uncategorized, 6 January 2020]
  60. "Alright! Dative! I've found you!" -- IIMDProds [Creative, 20 January 2020]
  61. "But it's Latin, so there's going to be a lot of wars." -- IIMDProds [Creative, 9 February 2020]
  62. "Sometimes God puts fun things in your path. And the only solution is to marry them." -- The_Punchening [Creative, 30 March 2020]
  63. "Cool, he's a dude! He kills monsters!" -- IIMDProds [Creative, 15 April 2020]
  64. "And by 'the rest of the world', I mean Latin" -- IIMDProds [Creative, 27 April 2020]
  65. "Everything in Latin can mean 'to attack' rosuavBlade " -- IIMDProds [Creative, 4 May 2020]
  66. "Let's look at what some of our choices of Hell are." -- IIMDProds [Creative, 18 May 2020]
  67. "Good job, Caesar. A lot of people died. The end." -- IIMDProds [Creative, 1 July 2020]
  68. "The perfect system is the best!" -- IIMDProds [Creative, 18 July 2020]
  69. "I told the internet, but nobody knows. devicatEh " -- IIMDProds [Makers & Crafting, 29 November 2020]
  70. "Vodka's pretty good, but I don't think it's worth fighting a dragon for." -- IIMDProds [Final Fantasy VI, 9 June 2021]
  71. "I wish *I* had a sword that would do my hair for me." -- IIMDProds [Cris Tales, 23 June 2021]
  72. "Ovid retained that knowledge. Not consciously though - he was dead at the time." -- IIMDProds [Makers & Crafting, 4 August 2021]
  73. "It's an endearing moment where two brothers team up. It's just that one of them happens to be a horse." -- IIMDProds [Makers & Crafting, 1 September 2021]
  74. "I was insulting you; that's all you need to know." -- IIMDProds [Makers & Crafting, 1 September 2021]
  75. "I think that's a rhinoceros. No... no... 'rhinoceros' is rhinoceros." -- IIMDProds [Science & Technology, 2 February 2022]
  76. "That's not a treasure, that's a bucket. Don't care any more!" -- IIMDProds [FANTASIAN, 14 February 2022]
  77. "This book is written like I talk! I'm impressed. rosuavWords " -- IIMDProds [Science & Technology, 30 March 2022]
  78. "Everything in early American history had something to do with taxation." -- IIMDProds [Science & Technology, 30 March 2022]

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